Our team of artists and designers are specialists in retouching your favorite photo and bringing new life back to old photos. We can remove red eye, remove or add people, remove braces, restore color to faded pictures, fix cracks and tears, remove lens flare, retouch facial blemishes, brighten eyes, and change backgrounds. We seldom encounter a damaged photo that we can not restore. If you have questions about restoring any of your old photos please contact us at 920-233-8080. We can provide suggestions and assist you with the level of retouching you should be ordering.
Minor Restoration: This would include basic color enhancement, facial retouching, small cracks in non facial areas, red eye removal and removing small unwanted spots from an image.
Moderate Restoration: Most old photos fall into this category. Examples would include extensive braces removal, several cracks and tears that do not require rebuilding areas within people’s faces, removing larger and more extensive objects, and replacing backgrounds.
Major Restoration: This service would include adding or removing people from a group, fixing extensive rips and tears, adding new color to a badly faded color photo, or a combination of services that may fall into the Minor or Moderate classification.
Please select the Restoration level from our ordering page. Include specific details of your request in the special instructions box on the “Credit Card” page. We will contact you if were are unclear of what your expectations are or if we feel you have ordered the wrong service based on those expectations.
You will receive an electronic proof from us before we proceed with printing.